Friday, February 15, 2008

On Valentine’s Day, we think of people who have cheered and encouraged us,who go out of their wayto be kind and caring,who have enriched our lives just by being themselves. You are such a person.I’m so happy you’re my love for ever. happy valintine day!! I love you all through February,Not just on Valentine’s Day;I cherish you when flowers of spring Appear in the midst of May.I adore you in the summer,When the air is filled with heat;Without you in my life each day,I wouldn’t be complete.I treasure you in fall,When leaves are turning gold;I loved you when you were younger;I’ll love you when you’re old.I prize you in the winter,When colder days are here;I love you, love you all the time,Every minute of the year.But I want to let you know,It’s not just today, but always,That I will love you so.

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