Friday, November 30, 2007

my exuse my story

this is a story not an exuse. This morning I was walkingpast the local county jailwhen I was captured by a piratejust released on bail.He took me to his pirate shipand taught me how to sailand made me wed his daughter,who was covered by a veil.We sailed the seven stormy seasthrough hurricane and gale,but while we were marauding,we were swallowed by a whale.We soon escaped by torturingthe whale with a nailand floating to the shorelinein an empty wooden pail.An Indian then guided usalong a western trailand led us to a stagecoachthat was carrying the mail.We all delivered lettersthrough the sleet and snow and hail,until we found a train,and then we rode upon the rail.I barely made it back to schoolto tell you of my tale.I’m sorry that I missed the test;I hope I didn’t fail!

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